mobile marketing solutions
Some marketers are so good, you'd think they had a crystal ball at their disposal. But nothing beats research and a little AI and data. That said, read on...
The penetration of smartphone usage in the US among millennials hit 93.1 percent, according to eMarketer. GenXers were close behind at 85.1 percent, with Baby Boomers still lagging significantly at 64.4 percent. (No wonder they’re still writing checks at the checkout line of the grocery store.) In the shocking/not shocking column, Gartner confirmed that 99.6 percent of all new smartphones shipped in the world are run on either Android or iOS.
When it comes to consumption, Comscore told us that mobile apps account for 57 percent of all US digital media usage, so clearly, mobile apps aren’t dying anytime soon. And 85 percent of US adults now get their news on a mobile device compared, with 54 percent in 2013, according to Pew. Mobile data traffic around the world will increase 700 percent between 2016 and 2021, according to Cisco’s “Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast.” And when it comes to mobile advertising, eMarketer shared some juicy stats earlier this year, noting that in 2017, advertisers would spend $24 billion on programmatic mobile ads — up from $18 billion last year.
As much as we all love data, it’s even more powerful when industry experts look into their crystal balls and tell us what they see coming down the pike. And because it’s 2018, this year I asked 18 accomplished business people across numerous industries to give me a mobile or location-based prediction. As usual, this group didn’t disappoint - to read more visit this link -
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